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Investor Relations

Fjellinjen is Norway's largest toll company in terms of revenue and traffic. The company handles a large volume of transactions and collects tolls that contribute to the funding of the Oslo Package 3.

Fjellinjen is owned by the Oslo municipality (60%) and Akershus county (40%).

Each toll passage is essentially a financial transaction. On average, more than 32 million passages are registered at Fjellinjen's toll stations every month.

The company's annual revenue is approximately 4 billion Norwegian kroner. This makes Fjellinjen one of Norway's 250 largest companies measured by revenue.

The toll revenues are allocated to the Oslo Package 3. This is the overarching plan for financing, development, and operation of public transportation, pedestrian, and bicycle paths in the Greater Oslo area.

Fjellinjen ensures stable financing of projects in the Oslo Package 3 through the issuance of listed certificate and bond loans. Partial financing is provided if the need for toll revenues arises before they are collected. The loans are listed on the Nordic ABM/Oslo Stock Exchange.

The Norwegian Parliament has decreed that Fjellinjen has the right to collect tolls in the Oslo area and has the obligation to finance approved projects in the Oslo Package 3.

On this page, you will find Fjellinjen's stock exchange announcements, annual reports,, credit ratings, and green framework.

Finansielle kontaktpersoner

Bilde av Stian Strøm Arnesen

Stian Strøm Arnesen

Finans- og analyseansvarlig


Phone 951 13 895

portrett Arne-Petter Lorentzen kommunikasjonsrådgiver i Fjellinjen

Arne-Petter Lorentzen

Head of Communications


Phone +47 959 67 391